learning (A.L.) is the most advanced teaching and learning method in use today.
It's a total system for speeding and enhancing both the design process and the
learning processes. Based on the latest
brain research, it has proven again and again to increase learning
effectiveness while saving time and money in the process. Many of
today's leading organizations and educational institutions are benefiting from
the power of accelerated learning. What makes accelerated learning so effective
is that it's based on the way we all naturally learn. A.L. unlocks much of our
potential for learning that has been left largely untapped by most conventional
learning methods. It does this by actively involving the whole person, using
physical activity, creativity, music, images, color, and other methods designed
to get people deeply involved in their own learning.
learning, technique, guide, emotions, motivation, environment, enhance, speed,
learning programs are one of the fastest-growing transformations in higher
education. They are one of the most controversial changes as well, challenging
such fundamental academic structures as faculty tenure and the standard forty
five clock hours of instruction. At the Center for the Study of Accelerated
Learning, we have identified 250 colleges and universities with specifically identified
accelerated programs, the vast majority of these designed to serve adult
students. Any postsecondary program targeted for working adults has either
started or considered the initiation of an accelerated learning format.
Estimates are that 25 percent or more of all adult students will be enrolled in
accelerated programs within the next ten years. Currently, 13 percent of adult
students studying for degrees are enrolled in programs that offer degrees in
less than the traditional length of time.[1]
In an accelerated learning classroom, course content is delivered in approximately 50% of the time required to deliver in a traditional classroom. This is accomplished by addressing the various learning styles; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (V.A.K.) and applying unique and creative instruction techniques that speak to these learning styles. When introducing new information for example, the instructor might have students participate in role playing (kinesthetic), watch a video (visual) or participate in a dramatic reading (auditory) rather than a simple reading assignment with a brief question and answer session. Using these approaches can enhance a student's rate of acquiring and retaining information because it taps their strongest learning style.
The aim of an accelerated format is to connect course work to real-world workplace applications. It is essential that students be willing to dedicate considerable time outside the classroom to reading, writing, research, presentations and projects.
‘Accelerated Learning’ (or Brain Friendly Learning) is considered unique in the history of innovative learning because of its user friendly methods of imparting skills to the learner. Ever since it was ushered in by Dr.Georgi Lozanov[a] with a humble beginning of teaching English language to 60 and odd students deploying a variety of non-traditional techniques (e.g. use of visual and auditory methods), referred to in the field, as ‘suggestopedia’, it has grown in stature, value and volume. Hence, it is not only natural but imperative to trace its history and this article precisely does that.
The objective of Dr.Lozanov was to use the method of ‘suggestopedia’ to enable them to learn faster, in a holistic manner by using both the hemispheres of the brain and he did this by employing a ‘multi-sensory brain -compatible teaching and learning methodology.[2] Over a period, a number of academicians, researchers, and professionals engaged in diverse spectrum in the educational training, medicine and psychology disciplines further developed and expanded his ideas. It also found its place in the corporate training that in particular developed in what is today termed as ‘Accelerated. Learning’ which is considered as a cost saving training program producing proven positive impact on those trained.[3] Yet another proven application of ‘Accelerated Learning’ methods is found in training adult students engaged (details given in the course of the article) in accelerated degree completion and graduate programs. Thus, it is all pervading in a human being’s life right from childhood to adulthood and is treated as a way of living.
At this stage, it may be pertinent to point out that in view of the geometrical like explosion in the growth of the ‘Accelerated Learning’, it would be more useful to look at the concepts in terms of their impact rather than carry out an analysis of linear history of its development.
If Dr. Lozanov is credited with the birth of ‘Accelerated Learning’ in its primary form, there are number of academicians, researchers and practitioners who can equally be credited with the proper nurturing of his theory and development of the same. Gardner’s contribution stresses the notion that human beings are blessed with multiple intelligences which are not amenable for testing, determination or measure by a single standardized test. This obviously meant that according to him it is fallacious to rely on IQ only. Thus, his proposition of eight domains as discussed in one of the previous articles gained a un-precedent popularity and opened the gateway for scientific research. His theory of Multiple Intelligences could constructively be used to accelerate learning in multiple ways. Further developed it by identifying methods to increase the intelligence and memory. Newer concepts emerged in exploring ways to exploit different intelligences in an optimized manner. Educational specialists like Rose & Nicholl, explored further ways to orchestrate methods that would translate ‘Accelerated Learning’ into ‘Super learning’. Rose and Nicholl also rationalized the concept by opining that ‘because it is natural, it is easier and faster and that justifies the reason of their calling it ‘Accelerated Learning. All these approaches found scientific validity since they arose because of research carried out on the functioning of the brain.
By late 1980s, the concept attracted considerable amount of scientific interest as researchers believed that it could be applied to other disciplines than education and particularly in the area of medicine and psychology and technology. Its application to Human Relations Management became a foregone conclusion as it related to acquiring and applying skills in the work place. Contributions among others were made by Carlson,[4] Eysenck & Keane on the ways the structure of the brain process inputs and the consequently how it influences complex behavior.[5]
In the area of Human Resources Management, motivational literature started to flood the market. Organizations started to re-classify the work role, functional responsibilities that would reflect the intelligences their employees possess in order to optimize their performance and derive the best possible outputs.
Meier,[6] had brought out the distinct feature inherent in Accelerated Learning which is social in nature and advanced the theory of ‘collaborative Learning’. He had built his theory on the premise that collaborative learning engages the learners in a process that would collectively solve problems and create solutions. The collective sharing of individual multiple intelligence knowledge would be utilized towards achieving this. In addition, it is presumed to confer a number of benefits which have been listed in our previous article entitled ‘Savy’.
Accelerated Learning Theory’s applicability to adult learning was advocated by Kasworm[7] by postulating that adult students are competent learners and their prior learning at the time coming into the learning program help them to blend old with new knowledge to find solutions to real world problems.
Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in order to modify the behavioral patterns of a person or an organization.[8]Many people have different way to understand the lesson. Some of them can catch the lesson faster than the others. Understanding the subjects really looks like walk on the stairs to the up of others stair. Many people can walk two steps and the other can walk four or five steps. It has different ways. Because of that we can find a smart person. Actually there is no one stupid person in this word. But there is a person catches the subject slowly. Here, we can find how to study and understand the subject faster than before.
In fact, adults learn better when learning is connected to their emotions and feelings. Besides that, they are actively engaged during a learning process, they are motivated and also learning content is related to their experiences. When we use accelerated learning techniques, we can enjoy our study. With accelerated learning we create a learning environment where positive emotions are stimulated, where each person feels capable and filled with resources to learn.
We have ever heard Chinese proverb said that I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand.
Defining an Accelerated Learning Program
By definition, accelerated learning programs are structured for students to take less time than conventional (often referred to as traditional) programs to attain university credits, certificates, or degrees. The core element in accelerated learning programs is the accelerated course. Ground-based (as opposed to on-line) accelerated courses are presented in less time than the conventional number of instructional contact hours (for example, twenty hours of class time versus forty-five hours) and for a shorter duration (for example, five weeks rather than sixteen weeks).[9] Accelerated courses, often referred to as intensive courses, are usually structured in condensed formats that include weekend and evening classes and workplace programs.
In the case of on-line accelerated courses, the duration of the course may be shorter than conventional standards (eight weeks rather than six-teen weeks), but contact hours are very difficult to calibrate. With instructional configurations such as video streaming, list serves, chat rooms, Internet searches, e-mail, and bulletin boards, the concept of contact hours begins to blur.
With less time formally necessary to achieve credits or degrees, do adult learners in accelerated programs graduate sooner than their peers in conventional programs? One study found that 26 percent of adult students had graduated after three years from an accelerated program in a private college as compared to 18 percent who had graduated in the same time period from a conventional academic program at a public college.[10] After six years, the difference in graduation figures between the two schools had decreased and was no longer significant: 37 percent from the accelerated program and 32 percent from the conventional program. From the perspective of this study, neither accelerated programs nor conventional programs favored degree completion for adult students. Yet a significant percentage of adults did earn their degrees more quickly in the accelerated program.
Accelerated Learning Techniques
Continuous learning is a requirement for success and the faster you learn the faster you can apply your new knowledge to improve your life. In his chapter we are going to look at five stages for accelerated learning: preparing, learning, understanding, reviewing and applying. By practicing these steps until they become habitual, you will greatly increase your ability to learn, remember and make use of information in your daily life.
1. Preparing to learn
The first step in accelerated learning is
to prepare your mind and your environment. If possible, find yourself a quite,
comfortable, and relaxing studying environment with few distractions, so that
you can focus single-mindedly on your studies. Avoid learning back or lying
down, since that makes us tired and diminishes our concentration. Instead sit
upright with only your studying material in front of you.
Whenever you start studying something new, the first thing you should do is overview the entire subject that you are preparing to learn. Then, set clear learning goal for yourself and schedule the time you believe it will take to achieve that goal. The clearer, more relevant and intensely desired your learning goal is, the more you will be motivated to achieve it.
The stronger your reason is for learning the subject, the more motivated you will be and the more you will remember. It is therefore important that you think about how the new knowledge will help you and visualize yourself using the information. A powerful way to do this is to imagine that you are going to be teaching a course on what you are learning, or that you will write a book on the subject. Then, as you are studying, think of how you would lay out the material and reorganize it to make it even easier to learn and understand. If you think about how you would teach what you are learning to other people, you will internalize it much faster than if you just think or learning it for yourself.
By turning your studies into an outcome-oriented event, you will be amazed at how much faster you learn. Once you have done your overview, done your goal setting and motivated yourself, you need to get into a learning state. Before we go into that however let us first look at how our memory works.
Whole brain learning
There are things in life that we experience only once and remember indefinitely. These memory peaks are invariably times when our entire brain is involved in the learning process-both left and right hemispheres and our limbic system. For example, we often learn songs without conscious effort because they involve the whole brain. The left brain attends to the words, the right brain attends to the music, and the limbic system – the emotional center – pays attention because it is emotionally relevant to us. By deliberately using all three of these processes, we can improve our memory for any learning experience.[11]
The limbic system plays a important part of our long-term memory. It decides if incoming information is relevant enough to be remembered, based on its emotional appeal. When what you are learning appeals positively to your emotions, through colors, pictures, games, challenges or musical accompaniment, you learn better and remember more easily.
Brain Waves
There are four major types of brainwave patterns: beta, alpha, theta and delta. When you are fully awake you are in beta. It is where we spend most of our time and is also where we learn the least efficiently. The peak learning wave is the alpha level and it increases our ability to concentrate and receive information dramatically. This means that to learn faster you need to slow down your brainwaves. You can reach alpha by relaxing, closing your eyes and breathing deeply and slowly 10 times. Ideally you want to be in a quiet room with no distractions.
Learning with Music
The best way to get into and stay in the alpha learning state is by using music. Music without vocals stimulates the emotional part of your brain, as well as the right hemisphere and also helps you to relax – which activates more alpha waves in the brain. It basically allows your whole brain to be involved in the learning process. Certain styles of music, especially relaxing classical or baroque music, are particularly effective for learning. The tempo of the music should be about 1 beat per second to get the brain into the relaxed alpha state. Environmental sounds, such as rain and waves, can also be used.
Learning in a Variety of Ways
You have three primary ways of learning: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. We all have a preferred learning style, but we learn best using all three. The more you can combine them, the faster you will learn and the easier you can recall the information, because we have a separate memory for what we see, hear and do. You should deliberately create multisensory memories by presenting yourself the same information in a variety of ways. Simply listening or reading by itself is not enough, because it is too passive. While you are listening, reading or observing, you should always be doing something more to activate more parts of your memory. On average, a person remembers 20% of what they read, 30% of what they hear, 40% of what they see, 50% of what they say, 60% of what they do, and 90% of what they see, hear, say and do. The combination you choose depends on your learning preferences and requirements. Experiment to find the learning method you are most comfortable using to make the learning process faster and more enjoyable.
Visually – We apply our visual memory when we read a book, watch a seminar, see demonstrations, take notes or make visualizations. Whether you are learning from a book, audio program or seminar you should always take notes to engage both your visual and kinesthetic memory. You should also stop occasionally and try to picture how what you are learning fits together as a whole. If you are learning a skill from another person, it can be a good idea to ask them to demonstrate using it and then to model them. If you cannot immediately apply what you are learning, you should instead visualize yourself using the information.
Auditory – We engage our auditory memory when we listen to audio programs, seminars, talk out loud or speak to ourselves. If you are reading or listening to audio programs, you can repeat the important sections or ideas out loud to reinforce the information in your auditory memory. If you are at a seminar or otherwise unable to repeat out loud, then repeat the important information in your mind. However, bear in mind that we remember approximately twice as much when we say something out loud. You can also make an effort to paraphrase the material you repeat in your own words, to further increase your understanding of it. To stimulate your emotional center, you can speak with a funny or foreign accent, whisper it or read it dramatically – with enthusiasm and interest. You can also explain the whole subject to a friend, which will further increase your ability to remember.
Kinesthetically – We engage our kinesthetic memory when we are actively involved in the learning process – for example by modeling others, taking notes or underlining text. This means that neither books, audio programs or seminars use our kinesthetic memory automatically. Therefore it is important to study with a pen in your hand, to rewrite and summarize the important parts in your notes. If possible, also try to take action and use what you learn immediately, rather than just passively looking at it.
Combining all three – Best of all, of course, is to combine all three senses into the learning experience. For example, if you are learning a foreign language you could read the words for visual memory, speak them out loud for auditory memory and write sentences with them for physical memory. You could then vividly imagine yourself using the words or sentences in real-life situations.
While you are learning, it is important to take regular breaks every 20-30 minutes to accommodate our natural attention span. Your breaks should last for about 5 minutes, during which time you should take your mind off your studies and do something completely different. Even though you are resting, your brain will still be organizing the information you have just learned. Taking breaks also keeps our concentration high and gives us lots of beginnings and endings, which are the times when we tend to remember the most.
Understanding the Material
There is a difference between knowing something and understanding it, and for learning to be effective we need to acquire both. In step 2 we learned how to create multisensory memories primarily for information retention, but to understand a subject in depth we need to know how the details we have learned relate to each other. Without becoming involved in a memory structure, our new memories will quickly become passive. This means that we will still be able to recognize the information, but will not be able to bring it out without a leading question or such. In this third step we develop deep understanding by turning our passive memory into active memory, so that we can use, call upon and speak about what we have learned freely. To do this we have to use the information in some way – for example by explaining it to someone, organizing it or summarizing it. The three methods we are going to look at – note taking, mind maps and memory trees – can all be done in parallel with step 2 during your learning.
Note Taking
When you are taking notes you should rephrase them into your own words. The more you paraphrase what you are learning, the more you have to think deeply about it and the better you will understand. The words of others are never as easy to remember as your own, and it is not until you can describe an idea in your own words that you have truly understood it. Another great way to aid your understanding is to summarize the material in order of importance. When you have to find and organize the most important points about a subject you need to think about it in depth.
If you need to memorize your notes you can read them out loud a couple of times to store the information in your auditory memory as well as in your visual memory. You can then practice recreating them from memory on another piece of paper. It is a good idea to number the key ideas you need to remember, because that way you will know if any one of them has been forgotten. You can also try to organize the information into meaningful lists, groups or sequences that you give title keywords, which can be used as a trigger to more easily recall what the groups contain. You then convert these keywords into a mind map.
Mind Maps
A mind map provides a quick way to summarize an entire subject, book, audio program or seminar in a single easily remembered form. To create one, write the main topic in the center of a sheet of paper. Around this topic, write out keywords for the major categories and then connect them with lines branching out from the topic. Continue down the hierarchy by adding more categories and keywords that relate to each main category until you have all the keywords you need. The keywords are the information-rich words that allow you to recall the whole idea. They are usually nouns, since it is much easier to remember things than abstract concepts. As you draw, you should use lots of different colors, shapes, symbols and pictures to involve more centers of your brain. The colors and symbols use the right brain and have emotional appeal, while the keywords engage the left brain.[12]
To memorize a mind map, read it over and then look away and try to redraw it from memory. Compare your copy with the original and notice any gaps in your knowledge. Do this a couple of times until your new copy is the same as the original, and the map will be in your memory permanently. You will now be able to visualize it in your mind whenever you need the information.
Another way to use mind maps is to arrange ideas for writing, for example when writing a book, exam paper or letter. You can begin by brainstorming keywords from your subject on a piece of paper. Then, create a mind map on another paper from your keywords and draw the theme, headings, subheadings and connections you want. Once the mind map is complete, prioritize your keywords or headings and number them in the order they will appear in the document. As you write out the content of each heading you can tick them off from your mind map. Other uses of mind maps include preparing speeches, goals setting, planning, problem solving or any other form of creative work.
Memory Trees
A memory tree is a way of summarizing information into smaller and smaller pieces. When you read a book or some other material, start by first summarizing each page or paragraph in one sentence and write it down – you can get summary sentences of a whole chapter onto a single page. Do this for each chapter, then review your pages and write one sentence summarizing each of them onto a final page. You now have a concise summary of the book in the form of a memory tree. The final page is the trunk of the tree, the other pages are the branches and the sentences on them are the twigs. By creating the memory tree you repeat the material each time you summarize, which helps you to not only understand but also to recall it easily.
Reviewing the Material
If something’s worth learning, it is also worth reviewing a few times to retain it permanently. Your review must take place before you forget what you have learnt – so that you do not have to relearn it from scratch. To review, you should summarize the key facts to yourself at the end of each study period, the next day, the next week, the next month and after 6 months. By following this simple sequence of reviews we can recall 80% or more of the material after 6 months. In contrast, without any reviews we typically forget fully 70% of the material after just 24 hours. A great way to keep the review schedule is to write down what you have learned at the end of each day in your journal. You then start your daily study period by reviewing what you learned the day before, last week, last month and 6 months ago. You can also review during spare time that would otherwise be wasted, while you are doing something that does not require a lot of concentration.
Each review should only take a very short time, just a minute or two for every hour studied. The form of your review should be to recreate your summary from memory, rather than just rereading it. For example, you can summarize the mind map out loud, picture it in your mind and then redraw it. In this way you will have reviewed it visually, auditory and physically. Of course, the best kind of reviewing is to actually use the material, which is the purpose for learning it in the first place.
Applying the Material
Your learning success is measured not only in terms of what you understand and remember, but most importantly by how much you will use the information in the future. There is little reason to learn something unless you are going to apply that knowledge or skill. Before we apply our new knowledge however, it is a good idea to test yourself to ensure that you have understood what you have learned. You can for example redraw your mind map or notes from memory, or explain the subject to someone else in your own words. If it is instead a skill you have learnt you should practice it first to build confidence and improve your performance. One way to do this is to use mental rehearsal by visualizing yourself applying what you have learned. When you have tested your knowledge or practiced your skill it is then time to apply what you have learnt in real life situations to make the knowledge your own. Make an effort to seek out occasions for you to use your new knowledge or skill repeatedly until you master it.
Memory Techniques
There is no limit to the quantity of information you can remember. In fact, the more you learn, the more space you make available to memorize more information. As an example, if you learn a new language it becomes easier to learn another. The three keys for developing a tremendous memory are: association, imagination and location. The essence of memory is to form associations between new information and already existing information. We remember things that have meaning for us and things have meaning when we can associate them with what we already know.
Developing an excellent memory is simply a matter of using your imagination to create a good number of associations, especially visual associations, with the new material. Your imagination turns dull, unintelligible, abstract concepts into meaningful, colorful, memorable representations, such as images or objects. The last key is location, which is the place you look to access everything you have stored. For example, to remember what you did yesterday in order you would need to think of the places you were at, because that is what keeps the sequence.
With these three keys in mind, let us go through some memory techniques that will make it easier for you to make full use of your memory. Like any other set of skills they must be practiced to gain speed and proficiency. By training yourself in these techniques, your overall memory ability will improve.
Concretization and Visualization
We remember pictures several times better than words, so an important part of memorization is to find ways to associate pictures or objects with what we are learning. The more specific or concrete you can make an abstract word, idea, concept or fact, the easier it is for your mind to hold onto it. For example, with the abstract word “time” you could visualize an hourglass. When you have found an association between an abstract concept and something concrete, there are several more things you can do to make your visualization even more memorable:
Make it vivid – Visualize the images using all your senses: sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
Make it active – Include movement, action and bring the information to life by animating it or making it interact with something.
Make it interesting – Add humor, exaggerations and positive emotions. Make the scenes bright, colorful, unusual, bizarre, dramatic or amusing.
Make it meaningful – Use logic, patterns and structure to organize the images.
Journey Method
This is a powerful technique that allows you to memorize literally thousands of items in rapid succession. It is based on the realization that our minds are extremely good at remembering the route between locations, as opposed to unconnected facts and figures. Basically, we create a journey with a number of definite steps and then associate each step with one or more pieces of information that we wish to remember.
The first things you need to do is to prepare a journey. You can start small with just one journey of 10 steps, but it is a good idea to establish a few journeys that altogether contain perhaps 100 steps so you will have more storage space. Keep in mind that you can reuse the journeys as many times as you want since it is easy to distinguish between them.
The journey will preserve the sequence of the information so make sure that each step logically follows the next. Try to make each stop interesting and fairly unique. If it helps you should write down the stages or close your eyes and imagine yourself flying along your journey several times to firmly establish it. This way you can start at any place on the journey and move either backwards or forward. Some example journeys could be: a walk through the park, your own house, your road to work, a school trip or a tour around town. If you think you do not have enough good places you can just as well use imaginary settings, such as locations from books, stories, movies, games or pure fantasy.
When you have prepared the steps, you are ready to put down some information using your imagination. What you do is move gradually through each step and simply add vivid images at the location representing what you want to remember. So to remember an item, or a group of associated items, make it concrete and place it at the location.
As an example of using the journey method, let us pretend you want to memorize a deck of cards. You would first need to associate each card with a specific picture, object or character. For instance, you could translate each suit with friends, relatives, movie stars and fictional characters. You then practice those associations until you can automatically see the person as you deal their card. Next, you create a journey of 52 stages and as you deal each card, you walk that journey and place your character at each step.
To make it even easier, you can combine two objects at every location so you would only need 26 steps in the journey. Go through all the cards again and this time give each character a tool to hold. You would then give the tool of every second card to the character on the first card for each step of the journey. Once you have finished the whole journey you can survey it by looking down on the area all at once in your imagination.
You can use this method to store anything, such as a to-do list, a journal, a calendar or even the periodic table. The more you practice the journey method, the faster you will be able to use it.
Memory Room
The memory room is similar to the journey method in that it utilizes the three keys of memory: association, imagination and location. It works best for storing information for which order does not matter, while the journey method is better for storing ordered information. To create a memory room you can imagine a room that you already know, complete with objects, and then walk around the room and place images representing the information you want to memorize on the objects in the room.
Another way is to create an empty room in your mind and then to fill it with your own objects representing the information itself that you want to remember. Either way to recall the information you simply walk around the room in your mind seeing the objects and letting them remind you of their associations. You can, for example, use this method to build rooms for people you know in order to store information about them, such as birth dates, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Another usage is to have rooms to store reminders of quotes, memos or jokes. There is no restriction in the size of the room and you can build extensions to your rooms as you need more space. To keep your memory rooms organized, you can group them together by placing them inside a memory palace, which is a mental building containing memory rooms.
Peg System
The peg system is useful for remembering any short list of numbers or items. To use it you first need to associate the numbers 0-9 with symbols, for example with their nearest everyday look-alike shape such as: 0 ball – 1 candle – 2 swan – 3 gull – 4 sailboat – 5 seahorse – 6 elephant – 7 boomerang – 8 snowman – 9 balloon with string. We do this because objects are far easier to remember than numbers. To remember a short list of up to 10 ordered items, you then associate each item in your list directly with the number shape. For example, if the first item is a badminton racket, you could imagine a candle bouncing on the racket. That way when you want the first item on your list you just need to think of the candle and it will remind you of the racket.
Another usage of the peg system is for remembering a short sequence of numbers. You simply create a quick vivid, direct link of one number shape interacting with the next. So, to get the number 10 you could imagine smoke from a candle swirling around a ball. For longer numbers you should replace the direct linking with a journey to make it more memorable. This increases the applications of the journey and memory room methods to anything involving numbers – for example: telephone numbers, appointments, statistics, dates, measures, birthdays and codes.
One of the simplest ways of making a good impression with new people is by remembering their name. To remember a name you need to create a strong association between the person’s name and face. First, observe the person carefully by looking closely at them and concentrating very hard on the details of their face. Look at their eyes, hair, nose, mouth, eyebrows and their whole body, and you will find an incredible number of distinguishing features.
The next step is to link the face and the name of the person. For starters quickly repeat the person’s name at least six times to yourself immediately, while looking thoroughly at their face. Then visualize the person’s name printed on their forehead. If you know someone else with the same name picture the two of them interacting together.
Finally, make a decision to recall the name when you next meet the person. The real reason we forget names is because we make very little effort to try to remember them. Start by deciding to remember. Make a habit of remembering the names of all new people you meet from now on and your capacity and speed for remembering names will increase dramatically.
Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in order to modify the behavioral patterns of a person or an organization. Many people have different way to understand the lesson. Some of them can catch the lesson faster than the others. Understanding the subjects really looks like walk on the stairs to the up of others stair. Many people can walk two steps and the other can walk four or five steps. It has different ways. Because of that we can find a smart person. Actually there is no one stupid person in this word. But there is a person catches the subject slowly. The simple way to do accelerated learning techniques, they are:
Prepare your mind and environment before
studying and set a clear learning goal.
Draw upon both sides of the brain as you
learn and give the information emotional meaning.
Study using two or more learning styles.
Make notes, mind maps or memory trees to
deeply understand the material.
Test, practice and use what you learn in
real life situations.
The keys to memory are association,
location and imagination.
Aslanian, C. B.2001, Adult Students Today. New York: College Board, hal 1,
[2] McKeon, J. (2001). What is this
thing called accelerated learning? Training and
Development, 49, hal 64
[3] Zemke, R. (2002). Accelerated
learning: Madness with a method. Training, 32
(October, 1995), hal 93
[4] Carlson, N.R. (2001): The
Physiology of Behaviour, Massachusetts, Allyn & Bacon, hal 4
[5] Eyesenck, M.W. & Keane, M.T.
(2000): Cognitive Psychology, Psychology Press, hal 8
[6] Meier, D. (2000): The accelerated learning handbook. New
York: McGraw-Hill, hal 12
[7] Kasworm, C. (2003): From the
adult student’s perspective: Accelerated degree Programs, New Directions for Adult and continuing
Education 97(Spring 2003), hal 17
Cottin Adrian. (2007). Train the trainer
in accelerated learning techniques, Venezuela: Altamira, hal 3
Wlodkowski Raymond. J, (2003) NEW
Wlodkowski, R. J., Mauldin, J. E., and Gahn, S. W. (2001). Learning in the Fast
Lane: Adult Learners’ Persistence and Success in Accelerated College Programs.
Indianapolis: Lumina Foundation for Education, hal 6.
accessed on 11 January 2012
accessed on 11 January 2012
This article is too long but the letters are too small. Ouww... it makes my eyes get trouble, sweety. Set bigger pleaasseeee
ReplyDeletehe he he
Nice blog
Keep on writing
Oke deh buk.
Deletethank u so much ya buk, udah mampir di blog Nurul ^_^